Plan miasta Ransy

Ransy - Najnowsze wiadomości:

AREA Property Partners And Winston Harton Holdings Acquire ...

?We are very pleased to conclude this transaction and to be part of the redevelopment of Sheraton Safari Hotel and Suites,? said Randy Torres, AREA partner. ?It is an opportune time to reposition and reestablish the hotel as the Orlando ...
źródło: BlogSearch

quotes about Randy Shaw - Bluoz

Randy Shaw is San Francisco's biggest poverty pimp. No one has profited more from prolonging the misery of the city's poor and indigent. He has made money off of SRO hotels, which are the worst hell hole anyone can imagine, ...
źródło: BlogSearch

bRandy/b Newman Won ? Sewsterhood

We settled into our bhotel/b that evening, and in no time, my father was asleep on one of the queen beds. My mother and I sat on the other bed, fading fast but trying to stay awake to see the big awards?you know, Best Actress and such. ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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